محتوى الدورة
Basic Concepts
0ساعة 20دقيقة
عملية التثبيت Installation
السمات Features
المميزات والعيوب
الهيكل البنياني Architecture
إنشاء تطبيق React
ReactJS - JSX
ReactJS - Component
ReactJS - Nested Components
ReactJS - Use Component
ReactJS - Component Collection
ReactJS - Styling
ReactJS - Properties (props)
ReactJS - Create a Component Using Properties
ReactJS - props Validation
ReactJS - Constructor
ReactJS - Component Life Cycle
ReactJS - Event Management
ReactJS - Create an Event-Aware Component
Introduce Events in Expense Manager APP
ReactJS - State Management
ReactJS - State Management API
ReactJS - Stateless Component
ReactJS - State Management using React Hooks
ReactJS - Component Life Cycle Using React Hooks
ReactJS - Layout in Component
ReactJS - Pagination
ReactJS - Material UI
ReactJS - Http Client Programming
ReactJS - Form Programming
ReactJS - Controlled Component
ReactJS - Uncontrolled Component
ReactJS - Formik
ReactJS - Conditional Rendering
ReactJS - Lists
ReactJS - Keys
ReactJS - Routing
ReactJS - Redux
ReactJS - Animation
ReactJS - Bootstrap
ReactJS - Map
ReactJS - Table
ReactJS - Managing State using Flux
ReactJS - Testing
ReactJS - CLI Commands
ReactJS - Building & Deployment
ReactJS - Example
Introduction to Hooks
ReactJS - Using useState
ReactJS - Using useEffect
ReactJS - Using useContext
ReactJS - useRef
ReactJS - Using useReducer
ReactJS - useCallback
Hooks: useMemo
ReactJS - Custom Hooks
ReactJS Advanced
ReactJS - Accessibility
ReactJS - Code-Splitting
ReactJS - Context
ReactJS - Error Boundaries
ReactJS - Forwarding Refs
ReactJS - Fragments
ReactJS - Higher-Order Components
ReactJS - Integrating with Other Libraries
ReactJS - Optimizing Performance
ReactJS - Profiler API
ReactJS - Portals
ReactJS - Without ES6 ECMAScript
ReactJS - React Without JSX
ReactJS - Reconciliation
ReactJS - Refs and the DOM
ReactJS - Render Props
ReactJS - Static Type Checking
ReactJS - Strict Mode
ReactJS - Web Components
Additional Concepts
ReactJS - Date Picker
ReactJS - Helmet
ReactJS - Inline Style
ReactJS - PropTypes
ReactJS - BrowserRouter
ReactJS - DOM
ReactJS - Carousel
ReactJS - Icons
ReactJS - Form Components
ReactJS - Reference API
دورة ReactJS
عن الدرس
Fragment هو الحل البسيط لتجميع عناصر React المتعددة دون إضافة علامات إضافية في DOM.